Join Us For Our Events!
FECA Residents,
Professional Grounds will be on site for the first leaf collection the week of November 11. Collection might start as early as 7:30 AM and is dusty and noisy. Be prepared to move your cars to North Shore Drive if you are concerned about dust. Residents are invited to rake or blow leaves from private property onto common grounds for pickup. Do not block sidewalks, parking spots or impede the streets with piles of leaves. Schedule subject to change. FECA Board Meeting - October 15 at 7pm
Dear Homeowners, The FECA Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7pm at: St. Thomas a Becket Parish 1421 Wiehle Ave. Reston, VA 20190 Room 3 (Downstairs) All FECA homeowners and residents are welcome. Dear Homeowners - The FECA Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm at St. Thomas a Becket Parish, 1421 Wiehle Ave., Reston, VA 20190 - Room 3 Downstairs.
All FECA homeowners are welcome. CLUSTER CLEANUP/Save the date!
Dear Forest Edge Residents, Our semi-annual Cluster Cleanup project is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. We will meet at 8:30 at the FE Plaza. Cleanup is scheduled from 9 to noon. Projects on the agenda: Trash collection in and around our cluster. Collect and dispose of fallen branches/bushes on GC and FE. Clean swales as needed. Lightly trim dead branches/bushes at the cluster. Replace missing safety strips on the foot bridges. We will provide yard waste bags, large trash bags. We need gas or electric powered leaf blowers, hand saws, and clipping tools. Please contact the board at: [email protected] if you have additional suggestions for cluster cleanup projects on community property. Hope we have a good turnout. See you there! Please join us for our August 20 FECA Board Meeting at 7pm at St. Thomas a Becket Church. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will be in Room 3 downstairs.
The Board of Directors of FECA held its annual meeting on May 21, 2024 for the purpose of electing new officers for 2024-2025.
The following residents were elected and will service in the offices indicated below. Levi Lainhart, President Whitney Wright, Vice President Kathy Oris, Secretary Max Evangelisti, Treasurer Tina Rogers, At Large You can contact the board members at: [email protected] Dear Forest Edge Residents,
Our semi-annual Cluster Cleanup project is scheduled for Saturday April 20. We will meet at 8:30 at the FE Plaza. Cleanup is scheduled from 9 to noon. Beverages and light snacks will be provided. Projects on the agenda; Trash collection in and around our cluster. Collect and dispose of fallen branches on GC and FE. Clean swales as needed. Lightly trim dead branches/bushes at the cluster. Replace missing safety strips at bridge leading to the church. We will provide yard waste bags, large trash bags. We need gas or electric powered leaf blowers, hand saws, and clipping tools. Please contact the Board at [email protected] if you have additional suggestions for cluster cleanup projects on community property, Hope we have a good turnout. See you there! Dear Homeowners - The FECA Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7pm at St. Thomas a Becket Parish, 1421 Wiehle Ave., Reston, VA 20190 - Room 3 Downstairs. The Agenda for the Meeting is attached. ![]()
The FECA Board Meeting will be on March 19, 2024 at 7pm at St. Thomas a Becket Parish 1421 Wiehle Ave., Reston, VA 20190 Room 3 Downstairs All Homeowners are welcome. The Agenda is posted below. ![]()
Dear FECA Homeowners - We are now seeking volunteers to join the FECA Board. We will have two seats on the Board open. Our Nominating Committee, Carolyn Rieth and Susan Van Nuys, will be seeking your help in filling these two volunteer positions. Please reach out to them if you have questions or wish to volunteer. You may also contact any of our current Board members with questions. Our Management Company, CMC, has been very helpful this year, which has made our Board work lighter. With CMC's help, the Board work will continue to be lighter and easier. Please consider lending your hand in volunteering in our community. Thank you for your consideration.
You may reach Carolyn and Susan at the below emails: Carolyn Rieth - [email protected] Susan Van Nuys - [email protected] Thank you for your help! - Forest Edge Cluster Board Members |